Blizzard of '97

The blizzard of '97 was a snowstorm that hit the foothills and eastern plains of Colorado in October. It began as a somewhat benign -- but late for the year thunderstorm, believe it or not. Over the weekend, more moisture got pulled up and dumped from this storm in the form of snowfall. The big deal about this storm was the wind that accompanied it. As you can see from this picture, the wind was certainly the key factor, as this vehicle seems to be hardly touched.

The day following the storm, the temperatures were in the 40s and people were digging themselves out. It took me about five minutes to get through this with the shovel and a rear wheel drive equipped with snow tires! Once out and about, I actually assisted a few front wheel drivers and took in the view of all sorts of vehicles on the medians and some off the side of the road.



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